Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Open Letter to My Congressman #1: Please take a Leadership Role on the Climate Crisis

Dear Representative Hultgren,

As a member of the Science, Space and Technology Committee, I urge you to support a task force addressing the ongoing Climate Change crisis. As a parent, I am quite sure you share my concern for our children's future. We both want them to enjoy the best that Life can offer them. We both want them to be healthy, find love, and raise a family, find a calling and follow it truthfully. This we share, I know it. What we do not share - yet - is a concern for our climate's health. I hope to convince you of this crisis that is threatening our children's future starting with this letter.

A few years ago, when you first took office as representative of our District 14, I called and was given a 15 minute interview with you to discuss my concern about climate change. We met in your local district office one afternoon. I delivered a copy of an article from Forbes describing the economic disaster that awaits us if we do not address this crisis in a timely way and a DVD that I felt strongly put the case forward that the crisis is now and needs to be addressed immediately. I was warned by friends and family that it was a fool's errand and not to bother as you could not be swayed, that you were firmly in the 'denier camp'. I thought, and still do, that we are both humans on a journey. We both hope the best for our country, we both are parents. And given enough information, that you would eventually see the truth and choose to act to address this crisis as our District's representative, as you, above all others in our District, have the power to talk about this in Congress and on the national stage and affect the change that needs to happen. I am asking you to take the lead on this on your committee and in your caucus for all of our sakes.

I was initially saddened to receive your letter a month after we met, a form letter that thanked me in a generic way for the unnamed concern I expressed about an unnamed topic and made no mention of the articles I gave you for review or that we even met face to face. Having recently been inspired to pursue this cause again, I thought I would again try to convince you that you do indeed need to take a leadership role on this issue. For your review, I would like to direct your attention to the recent opinion piece written by four former EPA directors who served during the four past Republican administrations titled A Republican Case for Climate Action. (See enclosed)

I will also be chronicling what I hope to be a discussion with you on my blog Exploring the Green Road to give hope to others who are writing their Congressional representatives who are not now actively addressing this most important crisis of our lifetimes.


Monica Jenkins
Constituent of District 14

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